Introduced in 2004 and edited for its first 10 issues by Malcolm Jeal, and from issue No 11, by Craig Horner; this high quality annual album immediately established itself as one of the highlights of the Society’s calendar, and the book’s summer arrival is an event eagerly anticipated by members. Aspects of Motoring History has now received (September 2018) its own ISSN Number for the continuing annual series: ISSN 2631-5610. From 2019 (Aspects No. 15), this will appear in the printed issues.
Distributed gratis to fully paid-up SAHB members, surplus copies from the limited print run can be purchased by other enthusiasts while they are still available. Please see payment and address details outlined at the base of each album’s overview. NOTE: If an album is out of stock, this will also be marked at the base of that album’s overview.
An index for the first 10 volumes is now available.