Published October 2008. 68 pages, 60 black & white illustrations, softbound
- Early motoring experiences, by Hubert W Egerton
- Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb – 1948 to 1958, by Mark Joseland
- Roy Fedden and the radial engine motor car, by Graham Orme-Bannister
- Looking back down the decades, by David Hales
Prices including postage: Price £12.50, including U.K. postage and packing, £14.50 to Europe including Ireland, £16.50 overseas. Send a cheque made payable to the Society of Automotive Historians in Britain, and your details, to Aspects of Motoring History, 10 Lodge Park, Whittlebury, Towcester, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom NN12 8XG