The Society of Automotive Historians in Britain (SAHB) collects and holds personal data for communicating with its members by newsletters, other publications, and emails, and for administering its annual membership subscriptions.
The data that the SAHB collects and holds is:
Name, which may include title
Contact details, i.e. address; telephone number(s); and email address(es)
Automotive history interests as declared by member
Publications authored by member
The SAHB will not communicate or sell your data to a third party.
The data is held primarily by the Secretary, with back-up information held by other members of the committee, on computers with appropriate security measures, and also by the Secretary in hard copy form.
The SAHB publishes details of members in its newsletter SAHB Times and in a printed membership list for circulation to members. The membership list is not published electronically or on the web.
Members can at any time request access to the data that the SAHB holds about them, and ask for rectification of or changes to any of their data, by written application to the Secretary. Members can ask for any information to be withheld from other members, e.g. not having their contact details published. Members can opt to have their names removed from the general email circulation list.
As required by legislation, the Society has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who is our chairman Guy Loveridge, and he is responsible for the implementation of this policy.