You can see the delight on the face of Anders Ditlev Clausager (on the left, with the Wolseley bow-tie – of course!) as he receives the Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot Award, English Language, from Kit Foster of the USA’s Society of Automotive Historians at this year’s dinner in Paris, for his book Wolseley – a Very British Car.
This made the Hat Trick: for this important and much-needed history, Anders has already won the Michael Sedgwick Award from our very own Society of Automotive Historians in Britain, and the Guild of Motoring Writers Mercedes-Benz Award for the Montagu of Beaulieu Trophy.
Incidentally, the Paris dinner was up to its usual excellent standard. We moved this year from the Automobile Club de France to an equally historically important venue: L’Atelier Renault Café on the Champs Élysées. 50 guests attended from 14 countries. Kit Foster also presented the Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot Award, Language other than English, to Manuel Lage for his book Los Proyectos Desconocidos de CETA y Pagaso.
For those of you who are members of the SAHB, watch out for a fuller report on the dinner and on Rétromobile in the next issue of the SAHB Times, which goes to press around the end of February.
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