The SAHB website has been on its travels: two weeks during October that took in New York, Auburn IN, Chicago, Bristol WI and Hershey PA (with a small diversion to Strasburg PA to look at steam locomotives – but sadly these fall outside the scope of the SAHB. Lovely, though.) On the return to the UK an immediate visit to London threw up an appropriate idea for a combined picture: two Citroën H vans – one snapped in New York and the other in London. The one on the left in New York must be post-1964, because it has a single windscreen and smaller chevrons. The one on the right in London is 1956 – because they told us!
Over the next few weeks we’ll be bringing you, from this journey, some images and stories that we hope you’ll enjoy. And we promise to intersperse these with our usual UK and European news, to maintain our normal mix.
Incidentally, the polymer nylon wasn’t named after New York and London. It was a random name thought up by people in DuPont. And Citroën H vans were not made of nylon. But you knew that.
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