The SAHB Awards Panel is inviting nominations for the Michael Sedgwick Award.
The Society of Automotive Historians in Britain instigated this award in 2011.
Given annually in the name of this much respected motoring author, the award is given for a book that is specifically about aspects of motoring in Britain. The winning book will demonstrate excellence in its research, presentation, readability and novelty, and will materially further our understanding of the subject.
To enhance this SAHB award, the Michael Sedgwick Memorial Trust will also give a £250 donation to the recipient.
Nominations are due by 1 July each year for books published in the previous twelve months. The winner is announced and the award presented at the October seminar and AGM of the Society of Automotive Historians of Britain (www.thesahb.com).
The book must be in the English language. Nominations should be made to the chair of the MSA panel, Guy Loveridge, on gjcl69@aol.com.
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