SAHB member Richard Roberts, who often kindly provides pictures for the website from his extensive archive, has asked whether we can identify these three images. They are all professional press photographs dated 1929, and have the information on the back that we repeat in the captions below. In addition, we have blown up the logo that appears on the hubs of the road and spare wheels of two of the vehicles.
Because the radiators seem generic and without a discernible badge, and the main text on the back of the photographs refers to the type of coachwork, we wonder whether these are from an American coachbuilder. The wheel hub logo is a monogram of G, M and T – but is this GMT, TGM, or any other combination?
Richard, and all of us in the SAHB, would be very grateful if someone out there could help us identify the make and model of the vehciles, and/or the coachbuilder. Please respond through the Comments box below.
Marked on the reverse of the picture: “0-10 Town Car Panel, December 1929”
Marked: “0-10 Sedan Panel, December 1929”
Marked: “0-10 Sedan, June 1929”
A blow-up of the logo that appears on the wheel hubs of the Town Car Panel and the Sedan Panel
I think these are “Yellow Cabs” which at this time were made by General Motors and the hub cap logo is for “General Motors Taxi”