We’re delighted to tell you about a website run by an enthusiast in Lyon: Philippe Schram. You can access it at http://www.lezebre.eu
It’s in a mix of languages including English, and it contains a fascinating range of pictures, old advertisements, current classifieds for the sale of cars, links and a host of other information relating to four different but (mainly) connected passions:
- The Le Zèbre car
- The Amilcar C6 car
- The BMW 3.0 CSL
- The French racing driver André Morel, who raced for Le Zèbre, Amilcar, Voisin, Delage, Hudson, Essex, Talbot and Talbot-Lago.
We have added this new website to our Other Links section under Sources & Links on our menu at the top of our home page (look for Le Zèbre) – so you can access it at any time, even after this News item has expired.
Thank you very much for includind me in your website.
The Le Zebre book is now available in English in PDF format. Please visit at: https://www.lezebre.eu/car/le%20zebre/livre.htm